Hemza Hajyousif

is a graphic designer & art director based in Brooklyn, NY. 

Currently he’s working as a senior brand designer at Pepsico and maintaining a medium agnostic freelance practice. Prior he led a small team at Maude (a sexual wellness company).

Select Work

Maude Male Category

Led the exploration into and product design for Maude’s male category of products.
        The men’s category is often loud and lacks introspection, whereas intimate moments with yourself are often the opposite. 
        We sought to elevate the experience of men’s sex health products through thoughtful design and a clear articulation of our core message that intimacy is introspective affair.

Maria Camejo (Designer)
Daniela Spector (Photographer)
Plainsight Studios (Photographer)

Art Direction, Naming, Prop Styling, Shoot Production, Set Design, & Web Design